The Meisner Summer Intensive West Philadelphia is a six-week, 18 class acting program that provides students the opportunity to get the beginning third of Meisner’s first year of Meisner Technique training. There are many summer intensive programs that actors can choose from in the Philadelphia Pa area. If you are in Philadelphia, you can sign up for a fun two months of theater games and pats on the back. You will finish not knowing a thing about the craft of acting, nor possess any understanding of the art form. If you are interested in truly doing something substantial with your summer, and want to spend your money wisely you must first know what you want, and then do your due diligence to seek it out the most qualified and reputable Meisner Summer Intensive.
To find a Six-Week Meisner Summer Intensive West Philadelphia that will accurately and passionately teach you the first two months of the Meisner Technique, you should be clear about what to look for. The complete progression of Meisner training, if taught properly, takes a full two years to implement. What starts with simple repetition evolves over first year into a very deep, and sophisticated improvisational exercise that encompasses all the fundamentals of acting. If you are seriously interested in becoming an exceptional actor, and are trying to discover what true professional actor training is, then finding a six-week Meisner summer intensive will answer many questions.
What distinguishes the Maggie Flanigan Studio is our belief that a brief summer course can actually teach and provide something of value. A great deal can be gained with six weeks of hard, dedicated work.
Our Meisner Technique summer session approaches class with the same high standards expected of our conservatory students. Twelve classes are dedicated to establishing a better understanding of the Meisner Technique fundamentals, while also teaching our students the importance of simple, specific, and personal crafting. The last two weeks will be spent applying this work to scenes. Although six weeks is an incredibly short time, we will still challenge our students to discover the freedom and originality that comes from truly breaking free from the issues that plague untrained, hack actors: adjusting to the text, general crafting, waiting for cues, line readings, and an inability to listen or work in a free and spontaneous way.
Who Should Apply For The Program?
Meisner Summer Intensive West Philadelphia PA – Students Observe Scenes
1. The program was created for students who have completed or are currently enrolled in an undergraduate program.
The summer program was created to provide currently enrolled, or those who have completed their undergraduate degree with an understanding about the real professional training necessary to be a serious actor and artist. Most undergraduates understand they still don’t yet possess the craft and technique necessary. This ultimately requires 2-3 years of immersive training. In our Meisner Summer Intensive, the student-actor will come away knowing what professional actor training is, why the Meisner Technique is the healthiest, most creative way to train organic actors.
2. Actors who thrive in small studio classes with other students who are serious and committed, should register for this program.
An undergraduate theater department is dominated by students who are merely curious about acting, trying to get an easy A, or just plain lazy. If you are passionate about acting and know that a life without it would be soul crushing, then you have been longing for a place that will surround you with like-minded people. We accept 14-18 students per class and there are only three classes. Charlie Sandlan interviews everyone personally and has built the studio’s reputation by only accepting passionate, hard working students.
3. Ambitious actors who want to spend their summer doing something substantial and challenging should attend this program.
It’s daunting to sift through the dozens and dozens of acting classes in NYC. So many claim to offer something of real value. If you are reading this, then you are trying not to make a bad choice. Our Six-Week Meisner Intensive is not for those looking to merely have some summer fun playing theater games and getting told that what you are doing is good. You had enough of that in high school and college. If you are serious, then you are craving constructive criticism, craving the challenge of artistic struggle, and hoping to find a place with an incredibly high standard for you to strive to meet. This studio and the training of Charlie Sandlan and his faculty will give that to you. What you attain from hard work, no one can ever take away.
Why Attend a Meisner Summer Intensive?
Understand that you cannot learn how to act in six weeks. It takes two to three years of immersive training. But an excellent Six-Week Meisner Summer Intensive should leave you with a true understanding of acting as an art form, the importance of artistry and hard work, a real understanding of what professional training and a serious studio is, and a deeper appreciation for the fundamentals of listening, crafting, and spontaneity with text.
Here are three things that any professional six-week meisner summer intensive should accomplish.
What Can I Learn in Six Weeks?
Meisner Summer Intensive West Philadelphia – most students thrive n small studio classes
1. Listening And Personal Point Of View
Most amateur and untrained actors do not listen. They wait for their cues, ready to “act their lines” at whoever happens to be on stage or camera with them. The core fundamental of good acting, the bedrock upon which technique is built, is the ability to truly listen. The beginning third of Meisner training addresses this immediately. You will learn how to be truly present, out of your head, curious and open, beginning the process of chiseling away the defenses that keep you from true vulnerability. This will lead you towards something essential for any serious actor: discovering the organic, spontaneous impulse. The early repetition removes the anxiety of thinking of something to say, freeing the student to function from their spontaneity, rooting them in the present moment. In life we miss moments all the time, we can easily get lost in thought or distracted. If that happens on stage or on camera, it can derail an entire scene. A professional six-week Meisner intensive will help you better understand and function from these fundamental principles.
Another essential aspect of any true artist is their ability to create from their personal point of view. It’s what separates one artist from the next, in any medium. For the actor, this means possessing the ability to respond personally, sacrificing politeness for truth. That is incredibly difficult, because we are rarely truthful in life, except for our very intimate relationships where trust has been established. The actor however must respond personally in every moment. The beginning of the Meisner technique teaches the actor to find the courage to be truthful. It is the goal of any real artist.
2. Crafting And The Imagination
Constantin Stanislavski, who founded the Moscow Art Theater in the 1920’s, is credited as the father of organic acting. Prior to his work, acting was very presentational and stylized. His work was rooted in the belief that good acting was truly living and breathing the part. Meisner’s definition of acting is rooted in this principle: acting is the ability to do truthfully under an imaginary circumstance. Most untrained actors indicate or pretend. The first two months of the Meisner Technique teach the student a very important thing called actors faith. It’s the ability to accept as real what you have crafted. In this first two months of the work, you will learn how to begin crafting. How to use your imagination to pin down a previous circumstance that compels you to do something, is a fundamental skill. The simplicity, specificity, and personal meaning with which you craft are what will allow you to create vivid behavior.
3. Freedom And Sponteneity With Text
When Meisner taught his acting classes, he knew that his exercise work would only have true value if his students could take what they were learning and apply it to scenes. Any true six-week Meisner intensive should end with scene work. In First Year, students do three rounds of scenes, each round challenging students to apply everything they are learning to text. After four weeks of getting out of your head, onto your spontaneous impulses, responding personally in every moment, and crafting simply and personally, the last two weeks of the intensive culminates in first round scenes. Actors have misconceptions about acting based on the film, TV, and theater they have consumed. Bad habits form: line readings, adjusting to the text, waiting for your cues, not going from unanticipated moment to unanticipated moment, or subverting your inner life to fit a line. These are marks of a hack actor. You will discover how to use your instincts and your spontaneous organic impulses to truly improvise with freedom and authenticity. It is the beginning of becoming an actor who works in a truly original and vivid way; an artist dedicated to craft.
Apply for the Meisner Summer Intensive West Philadelphia
Meisner Summer Intensive West Philadelphia PA – Apply (215) 600-1669
Actors and students who are interested in the Meisner Summer Intensive West Philadelphia program should contact the studio to get started with their application. Admission to the studio is based on your interview with the Executive director, Charlie Sandlan. For more information about the Meisner Summer Intensive West Philadelphia, call the studio today at (215) 600-1669.
Meisner Summer Intensive Training West Philadelphia PA
Meisner Studio Philadelphia provides Meisner Technique training for actors and students in the Philadelphia area: West Philadelphia, Avenue of the Arts, Callowhill, Chinatown, Elfreth’s Alley, French Quarter, Logan Square, Naval Square, Jewelers’ Row, Market East, Old City, Museum District, Penn Center, Rittenhouse Square, Fitler Square, Penn’s Landing, Society Hill, South Street, Washington Square West, Midtown Village, South Philadelphia, Bella Vista, Central South Philadelphia, Devil’s Pocket, East Passyunk, East Passyunk Crossing, Franklin Delano Roosevelt Park, Girard Estate, Greenwich, Grays Ferry, Hawthorne, Italian Market, Little Saigon, Lower Moyamensing, Marconi Plaza, Moyamensing, Newbold, Packer Park, Passyunk Square, Pennsport, Two Street, Point Breeze, Queen Village, Schuylkill, Sports Complex, Tasker, Wharton, Whitman, Wilson Park, West Passyunk, Southwark, Graduate Hospital, West Philadelphia, Angora, Bartram Village, Clearview, Kingsessing, Eastwick, Elmwood Park, Hedgerow, Mount Moriah, Paschall, Penrose, Southwest Schuylkill, West Philadelphia, West Philly, Belmont Village, Carroll Park, Cathedral Park, Cedar Park, Centennial District, Dunlap, Garden Court, Haddington, Haverford North, Mantua, Mill Creek, Overbrook, Overbrook Park, Overbrook Farms, Parkside, Powelton Village, Saunders Park, Spruce Hill, Squirrel Hill, University City, Walnut Hill, Woodland Terrace, Wynnefield Heights, Lower North Philadelphia, Brewerytown, Cecil B. Moore, Hartranft, Ludlow, Poplar, Sharswood, Spring Garden, Stanton, Strawberry Mansion, Yorktown, Fairmount, Northern Liberties, Upper North Philadelphia, Allegheny West, Fairhill, Glenwood, Hunting Park, Nicetown-Tioga, Bridesburg, Fishtown, Harrowgate, Kensington, Port Richmond, Andorra, East Falls, Wissahickon, Roxborough, Manayunk, Chestnut Hill, Mount Airy, Germantown, Morton, Wister, Cedarbrook, East Oak Lane, Feltonville, Fern Rock, Koreatown, Logan, Melrose Park, Ogontz, Olney, West Oak Lane, Northeast Philadelphia, Burholme, Castor Garden, Crescentville, Fox Chase, Frankford, Holmesburg, Juniata, Lawncrest, Lawndale, Lexington Park, Mayfair, Northwood, Oxford Circle, Rhawnhurst, Ryers, Tacony, Wissinoming, Academy Gardens, Ashton-Woodenbridge, Bustleton, Byberry, Crestmont Farms, Krewstown, Millbrook, Modena Park, Morrell Park, Normandy, Parkwood, Pennypack, Somerton, Torresdale, Upper Holmesburg, Winchester Park
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